The PROJECT QATAR is the biggest leading construction material & equipment fair. the PROJECT QATAR , the international construction technology and building material exhibition , contributes at Qatar’s dynamic building industry with its solid investments and tremendous traidind capacity , removing any barriers between investors , suppliers and important proprietors and purchasers in Qatar. this event shows product from building construction electronics & electrical goods, power & renewable energy industries.
The event attracts hey bayers and industry leaders looking for the most up-to-date technology and state-of-the-are equipment available on the market.
PROJECT QATAR is the country’s only business exhibition specialized in construction and all related industries. the show promises fast market penetration into the country’s lucrative construction market , and the opportunities generate new business leads with companies of all sized.
PROJECT QATAR 2020 is thus a peeress platform , and participation is essential for everyone aiming at seizing a share of Qatar’s areva opportunities .
The Qatar national vision 2030 and the FIFA WORLD CUP 2022 are major growth drivers for Qatar’s construction industry. the ongoing implementation of major development projects across various sector (building, hospitality , tourism , transportation , infrastructure, etc)
Translate Qatar’s vision , as well as recently-drafted national development strategy (NDC) 2017 2022 , with aims at creating conducive conditions for more private-public participation .
The Qatar construction sector is the fastest growing construction market in the gulf region , with USD 26 billion allocated for the major projects an accounting for 47% of Qatar’s total 2017 expenditure . in 2015 alone , 60 % of Qatar imports were construction-related , amounting to a total of USD 19.7 billion .
- Show case your full range of products and services at the heart of Qatar’s booming construction market .
- seize immediate face to face networking opportunities across the entire levant and gulf region .
- seize massive opportunities in direct investment project estimated at USD 160 billion to develop country’s instructor following Qatar’s winning bid to host the FIFA WORLD CUP in 2020 .
- Benefit from the exiting long-term construction project and the massive developments in Qatar’s construction sector .
- Reach influential decision makers seeking environmental and green building technologies and sustainable solutions for their projects.
- position your company at the forefront of the industry .
- Generate valuable sales and maximize your return on investment.
Date : 7-9 Apr 2020
Venue : Doha exhibition and convention centre (DECC)
Organizer : IFP LEBANON